Since you can only be one of two troll/mutants that regularly post on this Board, I believe I know your identity. You are definitely old enough to know better.
The definition of fool is (1) one deficient in good sense or judgement and (2) a court jester. I can assure you that I am neither. I have more than adequate common sense and my impeccable judgement tells me that anyone who posts without showing an email address or their real name is usually a sniveling coward without redemption.
People that write type their names in all lower case letters are generally those totally lacking in self esteem. In other words the individual perceives himself as small and insignificant.
Only a imbecile would profess not to want to read a joke post and then open it, read it and complain about it. (Duh?)
As for the "we" you spoke of in your post, did you mean your alternate personality or is it a third troll/mutant?
I would strongly suggest that you delete your post since it is far better remain silent and only be thought a fool than to speak (or write) and remove all doubt from the minds of those that read the posts on this very Board.