Been there done that..... We gave our criminal the easy way out, lethal injection. He probably slept better than me, and will sleep longer too! We like to kill 'em in Texas, wish we could speed up the process. It costs a lot of money to keep these slimy pets caged up. If evidence is overhelmingly proves the crime, and the crime warrants the punishment, do it, and get it over with. OR each day let the death row inmates pick a number then select 5 a day. Let them sweat there luck! This 30 years of apealls business is for the birds, many die of old age! Can you tell I am pro-death penalty? LOL
I was on a jury once where the questions to us pounded on our sympathy to handicapped people. In vordire I discovered the guy was stealing stereos and his buddies ran off when the police came, the third criminal was under the dashboard cutting wires when the police arrived. He was deaf and didn't hear the sirens! We was just in the wrong line of work for his handicap! I didn't get picked for that trial (good thing, I'd have nailed him for being stupid too!).