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The Chip Board Archive 12

Hey John Zoesch! grin

You wrote.......

"With McNair out again this week I am not too sure about that over 51.5 bet"

What do you have to say for yourself now? vbg

I bet the overs in this game straight up (over 52) when I made my 10 Teamer bet on Thursday. I then bet even more on my phone account (over 54) after hearing John & Al say (just before kickoff) that tonight could be just like a pinball game when it comes to scoring. I'm glad I was able to get through to make the phone bet. It was a tough week for me on the overs last weekend, but tonight more than made up for it. And there is still a quarter to go! grin Now on to next week...Andy - Las Vegas

Messages In This Thread

Pro Football 10 Team Parlay Card Bet - Week 14!
And NO Giants or Jets WoW grin
Re: And NO Giants or Jets WoW grin
Hey John Zoesch! grin
Re: Hey John Zoesch! grin
Titans gave the game away?!?!?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg