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The Chip Board Archive 12

Ebay appropriate?!

The other day Ebay rejected one of my "Want it Now" ads, saying I tried to circumvent their fees.I was a bit frustrated because I tried to make sure I worded the ad to avoid such things.... Today I received this email from an Ebayer,which in my opinion is the stuff they should be looking for(by the way,the auction he is asking about is only at $2.99 with no bids, and 1 watcher...Why offer me almost $8 for it ?!)below is the original email I received

Would you end the auction for $7.50 for the chips and shipping. . . please let me know. . .thanks XXXX

BTW- this is the same auction I posted on the board the other day, the offer still stands "FREE shipping plus an extra Master of Mixes chip to any Club member who wins....

Messages In This Thread

Ebay appropriate?!
What are you going to do?
Re: What are you going to do?
Re: What are you going to do?
Re: Ebay appropriate?!
Re: Ebay appropriate?!
Sorry- I was mistaken...
Re: Ebay appropriate?!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg