The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 12


The chips you have posted already are VERY nice... I can't wait to see the Aladdin chips that are going up next ! The story about how the Zaslawskys did all their collecting together was pretty cool too, I wish my signifigant other liked chips 1/2 as much as Mrs. Zaslawsky did.... Good luck with the sales and auctions Tyrus....

Messages In This Thread

The Adventure begins...
Re: The Adventure begins...
As the items sell. Can you leave the scans up
Yes, I will leave them up
(Message Deleted by Poster)
In your club mag grin LOL
Tyrus did you get my email?
Re: Nope! But I did get ...
I jus resent it to your other email addy

Copyright 2022 David Spragg