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The Chip Board Archive 12

How to distinguish real Borlands from fake Borland
In Response To: Re: Borland Fake-Fakes ()

His fakes are almost certainly paste-ons, no recessed inlays. That is, they are just stickers on chips. They must have no cross-hatching, which can be felt and seen on real Borland and other chips. I see that his dsign is somewhat different. This is what I put in my auction of a real Borland, which begins tonight:

"Bill Borland made these commemorative, fantasy, casino-quality poker chips about 15 years ago to celebrate 10 Las Vegas casinos. All of Borland's chips were casino quality -- they were all inlaid chips; the inlays were RECESSED into the clay; the inlays were not mere slick stick-ons. You can feel the cross-hatching (linen finish) over the entire surface of the chip. Today, the chips are obsolete and highly collectible. I am making a market in these chips .... .... ...... Contact me if you would like more information about them."


Messages In This Thread

New Borland Chip
Re: I need that Jack Daniel's chip
Re: I need that Jack Daniel's chip
Re: I need that Jack Daniel's chip
Re: I want that Jack Daniel's chip
Re: I need that Jack Daniel's chip
Re: I need that Jack Daniel's chip
Re: New Borland Chip
Real Borland commemorative chips for sale
Re: Borland Fake-Fakes
How to distinguish real Borlands from fake Borland
Re: Borland Fake-Fakes
Ebay is probably the guys only outlet
I wrote him via email now
Here is his reply to you Robert
Re: Here is his reply to you Robert
Re: Here is his reply to you Robert
The sellers responses to my 3 emails
Re: The sellers responses to my 3 emails
Re: The sellers responses to my 3 emails
Another Black Eye For The Hobby
Re: The sellers responses to my 3 emails
I think youve completely missed the point
Try comparing your answers
And finally.
Re: Mr Sam Heppler
Hey - your question to the seller
The sellers location moves around
Probably Sam Heppler
vbg vbg vbg
Your information is correct
No such thing as bad publicity - 4 bids so far
....two are Skip.
Gene - he is not blaming you
Re: David - I Never Said He Was
My mistake - you blamed yourself grin

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