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The Chip Board Archive 12

You are a scam artist rofl
In Response To: Here is the maths grin ()

The maximum gross weight for a 40 foot shipping container is 30,480 kgs. or 67,200 lbs.
How you plan to load 187,920 lbs. into this container will remain a mystery to me.

I think I'll hold off on your offer for a few days. I have a feeling the price will come down quickly grin

Messages In This Thread

Attn: Greg Susong and John Benedict
As well as the $ Mr Poole vbg
I went to WALˇˇ¸•MART today and bought their 4-pac
99p for the 4 pack in Walmart here grin
Re: 99p for the 4 pack in Walmart here grin
NO DEAL BOB - read the small print
Re: NO DEAL BOB - read the small print
Actually Ive just checked with my shippers
Re: Actually Ive just checked with my shippers
Here is the maths grin
You are a scam artist rofl
Sorry - price goes up.
I guess Math Is Not Your Strong Suit grin
Re: I guess Math Is Not Your Strong Suit grin
All sold to Mr Susong grin
Yea, Tomatoes on TOP Catsup on the bottom!
WAL•MART's Brown eggs are 96¢ a doz... grin
No you are not convinced grin
Re: No you are not convinced grin
Re: No you are not convinced grin
Re: No you are not convinced grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg