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The Chip Board Archive 12

I can’t believe this mad
In Response To: 2005 BOD Election ()

Let me first say: Congratulations to the Current BOD in retaining their positions.

I know 2 years ago we had people who ran against the current BOD members, what happen to them? I remember people posting their views on our hobby and how they would change the club.

You would think that we would have a least some people out there who would try to run against the incumbents.

It is a sad day for the club when we can’t get more individuals wanting to run for office sad

Messages In This Thread

2005 BOD Election
Re: Excellent Choices!!
Ive just heard there is an objection pending
Why fix it if it aint broke???
I can’t believe this mad
So what is stopping you?
Re: So what is stopping you?
I knew someone was going to ask
OK Ron, I'll tell you
Re: You Go Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Gene Said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin
Thanks Sunday for your comments!
vbg The Democrats in WA State are ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg