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The Chip Board Archive 12

2005 BOD Election

The nominations for the 2005 - 2007 Officers and Board of Directors of the CCGT&CC have all been submitted and tallied, and the only valid nominations were cast for the re-election of the current Officers / Board of Directors. There were a few individual nominations, but our rules require two nominations for any position in order for it to be valid. Therefore, there is no need to hold an expensive and time consuming election process. No ballots will go out in the mail. At the business meeting in August, we, the nominating committee, will ask for a motion directing the Secretary to cast one ballot in favor of the entire slate. The Officers and Board of Directors for 2005 - 2007 are:

President -- Michael Skelton

Vice President -- Wayne Thompson

Treasurer -- Mike Quinlivan

Secretary -- Belinda Hixon

Membership -- Ralph Myers

Messages In This Thread

2005 BOD Election
Re: Excellent Choices!!
Ive just heard there is an objection pending
Why fix it if it aint broke???
I can’t believe this mad
So what is stopping you?
Re: So what is stopping you?
I knew someone was going to ask
OK Ron, I'll tell you
Re: You Go Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Gene Said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin
Thanks Sunday for your comments!
vbg The Democrats in WA State are ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg