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The Chip Board Archive 12

Amen! But there is an upside.
In Response To: Advise FROM the unwise ()

I've got about 80 duplicates. Mostly from not knowing what I already have, and buying the same chip again.

The upside? I can compare chips for quality and variations.

Several times I thought I had a nice quality chip, but when compared to an accidentally purchased duplicate, I found the duplicate to be in much better condition.

Also, I have two chips which I am fairly certain are legitimate variations. But I would never have known it if I didn't have two chips to compare.

Messages In This Thread

Advise FROM the unwise
Amen! But there is an upside.
Been There Done That grin
Keep it simple.
Re: Keep it simple.
What's wrong with flips?
Re: What's wrong with flips?
Absolutely Correct, Vinyl Has PVC !
Re: What's wrong with flips?
Re: What's wrong with flips?
A picture is worth 1000 words ....
I apologize.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg