"You can have the last word, Bob."
I'll take it, a day later.
I felt there was legitimate reason for concern when three unknown players were signed up. Next (and every other) time will be different due to the random password structure.
Had you posted prior to the first event in this series that you had sent the password to new players, there might not have been such a reaction to the unknown players. You were the only one who knew to whom you sent the password. Had anyone who shared the password with a new player who was qualified to play made that info known here or to you, there might not have been such a reaction.
I didn't mean to jump down your throat, and for that I apologize. I do appreciate your stepping in and running this series in Todd's place, as well as Jay's participation in number crunching. I don't expect you to be in a position to monitor this BB prior to every event, or to even show on time or play at every event, but I do feel you dropped the ball this time.
...bought my plane tickets and made my room reservations for the Superbowl Show today, hope to see you there!