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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: Actually
In Response To: Actually ()

I think they were all sold in home poker sets. I believe my original post said 'when they were available'. I thought buying a set (some had values from $1 - $100) at $3 a piece but when I looked back I guess they were sold out.

There are an awful lot of all these sands and dunes chips out there - more than you could ever carry grin

Messages In This Thread

eBay $1 Sands orange chip
I won't bid on your auctions.
Charlie, ....
Re: eBay $1 Sands orange chip
Re: eBay $1 Sands orange chip
check the archives
Save you searching the archives
Thanks David
Re: Actually
Re: Save you searching the archives
Re: Save you searching the archives
David, A Question Please ?
Re: David, A Question Please ?
Thank You David grin
Vic, Why the new eBay Name
Re: Vic, Why the new eBay Name

Copyright 2022 David Spragg