With all due respect, Greg...
The trolls were posting via AOL so the Board now moderates/reviews all AOL messages. If I, with my limited abilities, realize that I can switch browsers and post immediately - wouldn't the trolls do the same?
Although sometimes accurate, the above premise is faulty. The above depends on who your ISP is. If AOL is your ISP you will use an AOL IP address no matter what browser you use. If AOL is not your ISP, but you use that connection to access AOL, then while using AOL's browser you will have an AOL IP address. If you just connect using your browser you will have the IP address assigned by the ISP. If you are the malicious troll that I am blocking then I would block that IP address also.
If any message, AOL or otherwise, can be deleted by the guards, why take it out on AOL subscribers alone? Some of us that have AOL like its features.
Why would I want to moderate all posts??? It's enough of a hassle just moderating the AOL posts.
Switching browsers doesn't work for me because I happen to have Windows ME and cannot go via IE without receiving repetitive error messages that force me to shut down.
As I said above, just switching browsers is not a work-around unless you are not using AOL as your ISP.