Here is a list of my chip guide library. My main collecting interests are $1 chips from everywhere and Illegal chips so I need guides for every region / category. You may be able to eliminate some of these if you are not interested in that area / category of chip.
The Chip Rack 10th
The Gaming Table (audit edition)
Hertel’s Illegal Guide
Black’s Atlantic City Guide
Susong’s Riverboat Guide
Goodrich’s Washington Catalog
Goodrich’s Montana Catalog
Pfaender’s California Guide
Eastman’s California Guide
Howdy’s Guide to Hunt & Co
Kregg’s Guide to US Playing Card Co
Official US Casino Guide, Campiglia/Wells
Cruise Ships by Smith & Long
Guide to Colorado, Banick
Guide to Florida’a Gaming Chips, Lighterman(s)/ Ginsburg
The Dutch Caribbean, Pollack
Gambling in the Spa (Hot Springs), Threadgill
Newport, The Real Sin City, Laudeman
Antique Gambling Chips, Seymour