offerings on this web-site! Can't you get a life?
Can't you... Hey, is that you Susong? Wow, aren't you the guy that puts up this web-site? (A mighty fine web-site, I might add!)
Anyway, thanks for all you do, and about posting your eBay offerings here, well don't give it a second thought. By all means feel free to post whenever you want. And hey, can you share with me the formatting code to make the subject line flashing red?
I really like that feature (a lot!) and I could put it to good use. In fact, why don't you use it for your eBay offerings. Wow, that could really be something. I bet we could have a lot of fun whit that code.
Hey listen. I've been meaning to tell ya that I got sick from those burgers you sent me last time. And how come you wrapped them in those Sonic wrappers when they were supppsed to be Tommy's Burgers? Are you saying that you get your wrappers at discount?
Well all for now, but I did have one last question. I wanted to make a bid for that Grand Casino snapper, what do you suppose is the lowest price it might go for?
(Thanks Greg. You're the greatest!)
Jim Follis