GOOD NEWS! We were able to change the quantity of the TURKEY BOWLING CHIPS a few weeks ago. Paulson UPed the order to 1,000 and changed the artwork on the chip to read LTD 1000. (I know the artwork posted here says 500 but the final chips does say 1,000) SO, there will be 1,000 Turkey Bowling chips released on Friday, November 26th at 6pm at Trump Marina.
If you are coming in for the release, stick around (or come early) to check out TURKEY BOWLING. This event is a lot of fun - plus if you are selected to play - you could win a lot of dough - $1,000 for bowling a strike with a frozen turkey. 50 winners will be selected to play throughout the day (starting at 2pm). All you need to enter is a WILD CARD - no purchase or play is required. GOOD LUCK!