I appreciate the question and am sorry if it looks like I am bashing Internet auctions. I can assure you that this is not the purpose, and I have mentioned that they have their place. If there were inaccurate and intentionally misleading statements in what I wrote so far, then that may be construed as bashing, but I do not believe this to be the case. I am simply trying to bring forth what I see to be serious flaws in what many consider to be the best thing since sliced bread. There is indeed another side to this as well. When designing the Collecting Fun web site, we tried to take all of these flaws into account and tried to design to minimize their effect. Unless I highlighted these flaws, people would hardly appreciate what Collecting Fun has to offer in terms of simplicity and transaction security. And yes, I am trying to win over customers, but thru education and comparison not hard sell and misleading statements, and I am aware that I have to stand up against Goliath to do that. I sincerely hope that you approve. If not, please let me know why.