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The Chip Board Archive 12

Twin States Club Lake Tahoe Nevada

The Twin States Club was probably had the shortest life of any of the Lake joints. They opened on May 15, 1947 and were out of business by June 30, 1947. Bummer...

Needless to say anything from there can be considered a major find.

The inside of the matchcover says, "All Games.", so there may be some chips somewhere. Probably in the landfill.

This post will have a great Frasher Postcard of the place. Note the sign on the left advertising Whiskey for $3.00 a fifth.

Second post will be the ashtray. I know of two that have survived and I don't have one...It is my Holy Grail for Tahoe, UNLESS, Dopey Norman's had one..

The other post will be the matchbook...I have one with all matches intact. Probably the rarest Tahoe Matchbook.

Neat Stuff...

Tomorrow, what went in the building next...


Messages In This Thread

Twin States Club Lake Tahoe Nevada
The Ashtray...I Couldn't Even Imagine...
The Matchbook...
Here's mine, Mark...
You are Fortunate...
Re: Twin States Club Lake Tahoe Nevada
Very rare Stuff...Hang On til Tomorrow...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg