Here are three real situations that have come up more then once.
1. A CCGTCC member moves, and then doesn't receive his/her quarterly magazine.
The reason the member did not receive the magazine, was because they notified me of the change of address after the magazine was mailed, and the post office does not forward bulk mail.
2. The member receives a plastic bag from the post office reading "We sincerely regret the damage to your mail during handling by the postal service" etc, etc, etc. In the plastic bag, is the envelope that the magazine was mailed in, nothing more, just the envelope.
3. A member arrives home only to find that because it was raining heavily that day, and their mailman left their magazine out that it is completely soaked through, and unreadable.
In all three cases the member said send me another copy, and in all three cases they expected another copy be sent at no charge to them.
My question is this. Do you feel the club should be responsible to replace their magazine at no additional cost to them, to include the cost of the magazine and the cost for postage, or should the responsibility be theirs in the case #1, and should the responsibility be that of the post office in cases # 2&3.
Thanks for your imput.
Ralph Myers
Membership Officer