This post began with a great ebayer warning others of a loose cannon ebayer named nestleken that had the potential of causing great distress to anyone who dealt with him, with the issue causing the discussion having been proven to be irrelevant, but the rationale of this buyer and his demeanor being the issue.
I joined into this discussion, which in it's entirety involves 3 eBay sellers with many thousands of great positive feedbacks and few if any Negs, and we were collectively trying to warn the chipping community of a potential problem ... !!
If the chipping community wants to just question us and try to deflect this matter into something else and rise to this jerk's defense as did Pete Sanders, then so be it ...... at least give us credit for trying to be good chippers and warn you all !!!!!
That's my last post on this guy, and you all do whatever you may choose with him ....... !!!