I'm blocked from one Seller on eBay. All because I whined about he was charging too much to ship his item to me.
As in your case I'd wait afew days, then send them another email, if nothing then wait acouple more days. You never know what happened to this Bidder (maybe called out of town on business, a death in the family, got sick and landed in the hospital) or is a complete moron who does this for kicks.
Just have patience, you got how many days to give feedback?
I once sold some lottery tickets on eBay to a guy in Canada, didn't hear anything from him for 2 weeks, then one day I emailed him again. He was in the hospital with a triple by pass or so he says. Too this day he still buys from me on ebay and he takes his time paying (always in cash).
Here's another one, my Boss sells on eBay. He gets alot of foreigners bidding on equipment he sells on there. He had a chinese guy from NYC bid on two items but he only wanted one. The chinese guy spoke very little english and doesn't understand alot about eBay. I guess thats why he bid on 2 items and only paid for one.
In other words you get new people who bid on this stuff all the time, doesn't make them experts on bidding or paying for this stuff on here does it.
Give them alittle time and they may come thru, if not give them Negative feedback and don't let it bother you.
My 2¢