Bill, It is my understanding that the Chipboard is a place where anyone can express their views (chip related or not) with some limitations (No SPAM or questionable adult content).
Also, there is NO LIMIT to the number a posts one individual can “contribute” to the Chipboard (and it can be the same message over and over again) on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.
My goal is to provide useful content to the Chipboard to help newer members understand there are alternatives to buy/selling on . There are a bunch of great individuals who are willing to trade/sell their casino memorabilia to others on the Chipboard (avoiding the cost occurred by selling on
I have also found out there are readers of the chipboard who believe that this board is owned/ran by the (and this is just “part” of the
membership). Greg Susong pays most of the costs of running this board out of his own pocket because of his passion for the hobby, while others take advantage of the situation by constantly running their
auctions and giving LITTLE back in return.
Bill asks “For the sake of my curiosity, why are you singling out Tom?” One thing I can say for Tom is that he is very persistent. There are VERY few days where Tom doesn’t miss an opportunity to welcome us to his wonderful auctions (sometimes twice in one day). Since I know that Tom will be posting his auctions every day, it gives me a “little reminder” that I need to post my message to help educate new Chipboard readers.
Bill, thanks for asking!