Bob Touts posted; "While NIS benefit on every new release [please understand I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH PROFIT.] They are usually the ones that complain about issue sizes when they can not satisfy their customers. So answering my own question of how many is enough, the answer is when everyone's needs are satisfied."
Bob; You never heard me "complain" about not getting enough chips to satisfy my customer demand. I may have commented on occassion that I was unable to supply everyone who wanted a chip who is signed up with my service. People ask me at virtually every chip release if I was able to get enough chips for my New Issues Service. Most of the time I was able to, with the help of some very good friends. With the recent "Rock The Vote" $5's (500 issued) I was NOT able to obtain the number of chips that I needed to supply all of my customers requests. That's not a complaint... it's a statement of fact. I think that the distribution system for the 500 available chips that Todd Moyer put into effect was fair for everyone. I am grateful for those chippers in line who helped out purchasing chips for me on my behalf. I hope someday that I can re-pay the favor when they miss out on an issue ... and sometimes I already have.
I have a personal opinion that casino operators are not maximizing their own profit potential and they miss supplying their customer base when they issue small numbers of popular chips that they know are going to sell out ... but that's a business decision they have made for their own reasons.
On the other hand, I wasn't very pleased with Tropicana's ridiculous policy some time ago when two days after their initial chip release they would not sell additional chips that were left on the table stating, "Sir, you have already purchased your limit of five chips." (TWO DAYS EARLIER) ... and yes, I was very critical of that dumb policy ... anc continue to be! THAT, my friend; was a "complaint".... and other chippers have similar legitimate complaints about Trop to this day.