have been a chip collector. Feeling that he was not treated right, he would make an NCR post about it here on the chip board.
- 287 people would read the post and at least half of them would reply with thier feelings on what should happen (None of them more adamant of the right thing to do than Stu.... sorry, I just had to add that).
- 27 people would send an email to the owner explaining how the restaurant is trying to screw chip collectors
- 12 of them would make an NCR post quoting the owners response.
- 376 people would respond to the post about his response and state that they would boycott the restaurant forever.
- 12 people use it as a chance to further their political propaganda
- Since no chip collectors visit the restaurant, business is down by 50%
- The owner has to raise prices by 50% to make up for the loss of business to the bottom line.
- A post is made on the bulletin board about how he is now gouging all patrons and not just chip collectors now (something that suggests apparently not all collecters are observing the ban and at least one is still eating there... the post is anonymous)
- The owner finally decides to give up and files Chapter 11
- The Chipboard rejoices in their win
- We all are forced to eat at Taco Bell beacuse the only other mexican restaurant in town has just closed its doors.