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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: What was this rubber $100 Flamingo chip used f


I wish i could show u a scan but I am in the process of moving and its packed away with all my other chips.

The rubber chip has 3 V shaped notches and one circle notch(drilled hole) with an el cheapo silver balls key chain on it.

Some more info if you would like: The advertising company that gave out the chips and had them made was for the Flamingo was Harris, Druitt & Cohen in Boca Raton, Florida. Don't know which company acutally made the chips...


Messages In This Thread

What was this rubber $100 Flamingo chip used for?
For securing pieces of paper to a refrigerator ¿
Re: What was this rubber $100 Flamingo chip used f
Not a magnet. In Chip Rack? Questions. .
Re: What was this rubber $100 Flamingo chip used f
Re: What was this rubber $100 Flamingo chip used f
Re: What was this rubber $100 Flamingo chip used f
Re: What was this rubber $100 Flamingo chip used f

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