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The Chip Board Archive 11

Do NOT deal with Joe Zurenda on Ebay!

Has ONLY been on Ebay a few months and already has his scam artist skills down!

Bought 2 items from Joe and 1 was broken and the other, Joe won't even admit he sent.

Has called me a Arab and a Jew today!

Won't stand to reason! He lives in Las Vegas!

Check it out!

Messages In This Thread

Do NOT deal with Joe Zurenda on Ebay!
So, who is Keyser Söze? vbg
Re: So, who is Keyser Söze? vbg
No one knows!
One of my favorite flicks of all time grin
NCR Mine too... Just watched it on the plane
Re: Do NOT deal with Joe Zurenda on Ebay!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg