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The Chip Board Archive 11

PHONY, OK.,Politely ,"Fantasy Casino Ashtrays."

Beware of this seller. He is selling Casino Ashtrays that are blatant phonies.

I will post a current auction of his below and then a picture of another Eagle Club Yerington tray he recently sold to Don Boyer.

He is taking a scan of a legitimate ashtray and printing it on glossy photo paper and gluing it in the bowl of the tray. Then he applies a layer of acrylic sealer over that.

He did the same with a Bulls Head Wells he sold to Don also.

He also did a Wine House Reno and he sold it to Richard Siri. He refunded Richard's money but refused to refund Don's.

I will make two other posts with those beauties for you too see.

BEWARE!!! Here is the current auction.

Phony Casino Ashtrays are far and few behind but thank god they are easy to spot.


Messages In This Thread

PHONY, OK.,Politely ,"Fantasy Casino Ashtrays."
Bogus Bullshead Bar Wells Tray
Worrisome Wine House Tray
How can you tell if an ashtray is a phony?
How To....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg