Hello all,
I am selling the 4 chips on the bottom row for $10 each (includes postage-insurance), just one to a customer.
I don't know who made those 4 chips or how many were made. They are all fakes. (I have another 6 different ones in my personal singles collection.) Those 10 are all I know of.
The real Borland chips are casino quality inlay chips on the Nevada-Nevada mold and are found almost always in mint condition since they were never used in casino play, having been made after the casinos closed. ..... ...... ...... The four fakes shown below look to be paste-ons atop of very well-used Paulson hat and cane chips. Why, I don't know. The most interesting things about them is that the inlays are slightly (but noticeably) different than the real Borland chips (the two top chips are real Borlands). Besides certain design things, the fake inlays are quite larger than the real ones.