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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: Parking
In Response To: Re: Parking ()

While I can agree in part, I also see the causes. High taxes, high wages, high demands for benefits, and overall, the choice of going out of business or making a profit.

Personally I try to Buy American whenever possible. I like to support any company that's local or USA over someone in China or Tiawan. I do it by choice.

If the company doesn't make money, they can't afford to pay employees. If they don't show a profit, the investors go away... the company goes away.

As for tax breaks for companies that leave the country. Maybe the US should find a way to make it feasable for business to operate in this country, instead of finding ways to drive them away.

I make what's left of a living from selling to USA companies. Trust me, I hate them leaving as much as any person who is out of work, because the company closed, left my state or moved offshore. No customers, no income. grin

The big difference is that I don't have any union, no benefits, no unemployment compensation, no insurance, and it hurts me just as much.

When you buy a new car (whether it's used or brand spanking new) do you go to the closest dealer with a higher price, or shop for the best deal. When you shop for food, do you go to the local store or the place that offers the best prices and service? When you bought your home, did you pay more than it is worth or look for value. Do you put high priced premium gas in your car, when you can find regular around the corner for less?

If YOU ran the company would you operate at a minimal profit or a loss or look for ways to make more money?

I don't understand why people can't see that their personal finances are managed to economize and save, but expect someone else in business to be unconcerned with spending, profits and loss.

Simply put, if Our Country made it profitable and welcomed business, they would still be here. (only a smidgen of this has anything to do with unions since we have drifed into economics. vbg)

Some workers still need unions and protection, most don't. When I go to work as a musician (at a wedding at a VFW post of all things on one occasion) and get told I Can't Work, because I'm not a Union Musician, I get pissed off. The dishwashers are union, the cooks are union, the waitstaff are union, but I don't choose to be.

So tell me if there should be places that say, if you are Union, you can't work. Wouldn't that be unfair and against some law? How come it doesn't work the other way around? (it wouldn't be right in my book)

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I'll second that emotion, brother Tyrus! grin
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Thank You, James....
Not a chance
ok *VBG*

Copyright 2022 David Spragg