When a Union gets to the point of a break down in negotiations they are afforded the right to strike in these United States of America.
I will agree with many and agree that some unions make unreasonable demands, but in this day and age it happens very seldom.
The Unions demands are just a realistic increase in pay and a COLA adjustment. I am sure the managers when they have their yearly review aren't sitting there volunteering to work for less for the good of the corporation. Get Real!!
When Todd was summoned to fill in for striking workers that was part of his salaried work agreement. He knew it could happen, didn't think it ever would, but it did. So, now he gets to sling a little hash, clean a toilet, or whatever and find out how much fun these jobs are. Of course he is whining, but it's all part of the deal when you achieve coveted "management status."
Will he have a job when it is settled?? Of course he will, unless he just refuses to do these menial tasks that are below him. If not he probably won't have a job. Just the way the world works. Why not, he has no Union representation to protect him in the event of a justified grievance. So do it, or hit the road.
First line management is just a pissin' post for a pissin' post...Sh*t runs down hill. When you are first or second line you are going to get abused mightily in these cases and you have no recourse.
Not where I want to be.
The next time in Vegas when you are in a great restaurant and the food and service is spectacular, you are being taken care of by Culinary Workers. Their work is hard and they earn a decent salary. They deserve it, it looks easy but try it for a night.
The Unions serve a very real purpose and should be respected.