Sands Club
3850 San Pablo Ave.
Emeryville, Ca.
1974 - 1977
A while back I posted parts of this story, but thought it may be of interest to those that may have missed it.
Some time ago, I put an ad in our local ( by local I mean I can reach everybody within a five hundred square mile radius with one ad ) paper looking to buy poker chips.
Well, this ol' boy who lives about 110 miles from Chester calls and says he's got a water bucket full of poker chips he might want to sell. In the course of talking to him, I find out he don't own a pc. In fact he said.....What's a computer ? I say okay, never mind, can you describe these chips for me. He described the chips in the pic below. Note the building on the chip and the building pic at the bottom of this thread.
I couldn't figure out where they might have come from, so didn't make an offer, but asked if I could get one set and i'd do some checking. He said okay and that i'd have to meet his boy in Susanville ( 35 mi. from Chester ) and he'd have the chips. We met on a side street where i'm sure if we'd have been spotted by the local lawmen we'd both been hauled off to jail for dealin'.
Anyway, it took me about a year to find out where they were used. In that time span, i've forgotten the good ol' boys name and his phone #. So, I have only this one set and not sure how I can get hold of this guy to get more. I'll be working on that.
I guess you could say they are not rare, but definitely hard to come by.
After looking at these chips, I recalled I have a chip that looks very much like this. That took me several months to think which chip it was and where I had it stored. After a while, I found it/them. I have these two pictured below. There are six more i'd be interested in if anybody has any.
Below is a picture of the Sands Club. Credit goes to Larry Odems for the pic. Note the Sands Club sign in the window. If I can get more of these chips, per Larry's request, i'll be sending a set to the Emeryville Museum.
Hope y'all enjoyed that little blurb......Later, Rick