Our Nation SHOULD have a draft.
BUT, the pay level for the average soldier MUST be enough for these young men and families to live a life style equal to civilians. It's not that way now. If pay levels could be increased, the services would draw more willing young men and women that have motivated goals and the endeavors to succeed it that job just like any other career. Then America could have a truly professional military. With this approach, the actual number of soldiers that would be needed in the draft would be minimal.
I haven't seen many college grads wanting to join the services lately, WHY? What's the incentive?
With the technology of today and of the future, will we even need a soldier that stands in harms way with a gun in hand fighting an enemy hand to hand??? I don't think so. But while they are, would you do it based on honor to your country. Let's be serious, I don't think so.
If the government could pay $25,000,000 for the head of only one man, why can't we afford to pay our soldiers a salary that would make them proud to be in that position. (It is an occupation, by law.)
Thoughts from someone who spent his time in, Loved it, and would have stayed in if I thought I could provide for my family, I couldn't.