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The Chip Board Archive 11

Yankees 8 runs total

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Game 7 - ALCS RedSox-Yankees $1 chip POOL
Red Sox 8 runs total...
Yankees - 10 runs total
Yankees 14 runs total
Re: Yankees 7runs total
Red Sox 13 runs total
Red Sox 7 runs total
Red Sox 5 Runs Total
Re: Boston 6 Runs Total
Bosox - 6 runs total
Re: Bosox - make that 9 runs total
Yankees 8 runs total
Red Sox 4 Runs
Red Sox - 13 runs total
Red Soxs-11 total runs
Yankees - 6 runs total
Red Sox 5
whoops 6 there is already a 5
okay how bout 4 for red sox
Pool Closed - Game has begun - Good Luck
Sox Win 10-3 vbg The winner of the pool is.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg