Sorry for the surprise. After the email about the chips being ground and poured into the floor of the casino, I can see what you are even more surprised.
I stopped collecting $25s and then started again and then started and then... heck if I know what I'm doing.
My last two casino runs I could have picked up the current $25s live in play at North Star, Menomonee, Mole Lake and Northern Lights, but I didn't bother. I did get busted at Northern Lights trying to pocket a roulette.
I'm looking for "SCC" Saint Croix Casino hot stamped chips. I have most of the HS Menominee logo Langworthy but missed the last two that came up on eBay.
Don't even know if the Majestic Pines/Sands indian logo chips had a $100?
I made a want list last year, it fits on a 3x5 note card. Mostly the first issue WI chips and most of those people wouldn't know came from a WI casino because they are just letters.
Oh yes, I'm missing the Grand Casino Hayward chips that seem to surface from time to time.
I'll run over this again for the archives. Related to the chip sale casinos.
Rainbow Casino Nekoosa
$1 Rainbow Chipco - uncommon
$2.50 Rainbow Chipco - Scarce, I had 2
$5 Rainbow Chipco - common
$25 Rainbow Chipco - almost impossible
$100 Rainbow Chipco - ???
Red Cliff Casino, Bayfield? (renamed)
$50 RCC HHR Rust or Blue - both uncommon under 200
$1 RCC HHR - Common
$5 RCC HHR - Common
$25 RCC HHR - has been found for sale
$100 RCC HHR - ???
Majestic Pines / Sands Casino - no name BJ suits maybe used at Ho Chunk as well. Ask Janice for the accurate information.
$1 White - common
$2.50 pink - uncommon less than 100
$5 Red - moderatly unusual (I had 600 I think)
$25 Green - Common
$100 - ???
Rainbow H&C sold from the cage, drilled.
I also don't know of any other casinos that sold chips off in bulk, but the Jenna chips, which would seem to be hard to get have been appearing in all values, scratched and unscratched, so I suspect someone has them and is selling them off, one by one.
At one time the obsolete and hard to get Ho Chunk (Winnebago) Baraboo, #2 design were off the tables, replaced, never to be seen again. When rack 4 was ordered, (#3 in play) they were running short and rack 2 appeared on a couple of the tables, like magic. A couple of months later, gone forever?
Harder to get, the 1st American Games from Oneida did a disappearing act and haven't surfaced. Reported that they were "sent back to the manufacturer for destruction" but when I met a dealers Mother who lived down the street, she came home with a 50c, $1 and $5 for me. Who knows? Could be that someone turned some in to the cage?
Milwaukee casino... "what old chips" they vanished fast and clean, no word.
Mole Lake old chips, (both casinos) never a sighting.