I received an email earlier from a Jerry Weisenbacher, who saw fit to respond his feelings about my humor posts. I found his email to be cowardly, offensive and condescending. He also made reference on how "it's a shame some members of the Club feeling the need to get on a soapbox and preach their individual philosphies."
Since when is posting a cartoon, preaching individual philosophies?
He went on to state that he "has been contacted in the past by prospective new members who discovered some 'rubbish level' posts on the Striker's Board and subsequently didn't join the Chapter."
Hello? This is the CHIPBOARD! I cannot imagine someone not joining the Club because of one of the cartoons or jokes I've posted. I have NEVER stated who I was casting my ballot in favor of, nor have I told anyone who they should vote for.
In fact, I've posted jokes and cartoons poking fun at both presidential candidates. There are several people that mail me jokes and if I think they're funny I post them. This individual is giving me a little too much credit when he suggests they are MY cartoons.
NCR does mean Not Chip Related. I cannot understand why some people don't get it.
Mr. Weisenbacher you should be ashamed of yourself.