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The Chip Board Archive 11

new release Casino Windsor 10th Anniversary new release

Casino Windsor released a 3 chip set for there 10th Anniv. The 4th chip shows the common back... Casino Windsor is No longer Chip Collector Friendly as the Pit Boss won't allow the employees standing at an empty table to riffel through the chips... Same at the Craps Table... The Pit Boss said that is a new regulation because the security personel do not understand what is going on... The Casino cage can no longer sell chips from the cage they have to be bought at the table... The Pit boss Advised me that 3000 of the River Boat chip were made and 1000 of the other 2 chips.. 500 of each chip were put into frames for there candian high rollers and only about 250 showed up to collect them. The rest of the other 250 chips are still framed and set aside for another possible promotion at years end. I was only able to get 2 full sets (both Spoken for). I have a few of the River boats to trade for $5 Mahoney Silver Nugget Snake Eye, Hard Rock Le's or Halloween chips
Phil R-5447

Copyright 2022 David Spragg