Jeff, ya got to give it time. Web based chat programs are evolving all the time, and the one Julie uses will probably add more features as clients ask for them. I for one like the better security of a chat room like Julie's.
I was a chan-op in IRC for almost 8 years. IRC is probably the most unsafe online activity these days. There are so many scripts, virii and destructive botz floating about, especially in the Undernet Chans. that even accessing IRC leaves U at risk.
As for the IM programs you mentioned: MSIM is horribly unsafe. The same virii that attack Outlook Express compromise MSIM. ICQ, just uninstall it and never reload it. It's been compromised since the mid 90's! Yahoo, another baddie. Don't run anything else behind it when U use it! AIM, has gotten better, but again don't run anything else behind it and change your password frequently. Also reboot after using it for a long session.