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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: Matchbook...Old casino and old paper....

look for "older cardboard" indeed!!! hmmph! rofl

That's the phone number in the 1951 & 1952 phone books.

Don't know about 1953-1954, but in 1955 the number was DU4-5612.

I noticed something in the 1950 phone book....could be interesting, or it could be a typo...the listing is:

Western Club The 23 Fremont......5612

Maybe it was originally going to be the Western and was changed to Westerner? Probably just a typo, but...??

BTW, the matchbook is a BEAUTY! (but you knew that vbg )

Messages In This Thread

Matchbook...Old casino and old paper....
Re: Matchbook...Old casino and old paper....
Re: Matchbooks...Phonebooks...Harvey Fuller
Re: Challenging...but never boring! grin

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