Kind of an interesting set of chips. Frank Fox who ownerd the Busted Flush card room in Nipomo Ca. thought that he and a partner were on the same page when they approved the making of these chips. They were to make a $1 , $5, and a $25, limited to 300. Some how and I could never get Frank to talk about it, they some how also got a $2.50 and a $10 made also. The later chips were never at the card room, only the partner had access to them along with half of the 300 of the 1,5,and 25's. I purchased a number of sets (the 1,5,25) from Frank, he would not sell anything but a set. He kept a list of who he sold them to, and would only honor the chips that were sold by him on the list. His partner was selling and or giving away sets to friends. Frank didn't want to get stuck paying out money that he had never taken in. The chips were never used on the tables of the card room, which I think was a no no with the gaming people here in California. Frank passed away about a year or so ago and the Busted Flush has been closed ever since. I still think they are the best design chips I have ever come across. Value ?? $0.00 to what ever someone wants to give for it.