I have told my wife (Chris) that my dream used to be 17 BlackJack hands in a row!
Since we started to collect chips I have changed my dream to a five gallon jug of chips at a flea market or estate sale. We came pretty close this weekend. Chris spotted a one gallon jar full of chips. We went back and forth FIVE times to the jar and finally bought the whole shooting match, jar NOT inlcuded.
Well, some are interesting, most are NOT but the thrill of the pursuit is what counts. AND... This chip is not listed in Steve's Montana book although the casino is, and it's from the 1940s. It's a $10 chip, I couldn't remember how to get two sides up on the same message! SORRY!
I am very happy about this! Probably going to sell it eventually to fund our $1 Nevada collection but I'll keep the memeory!