You know, I just finished reading everyone's posts blasting Dave Viall's political emails and because of his emails, he is probably making himself the new member of some black lists as we speak. I think it is much more discreet to send a few emails out than it is to force your opinion onto everyone that reads this board. I did not receive Dave's email but I certainly received this post, and so will everyone. Why is it that when someone posts political views in the favor of the Democrats they get reminded to never again do such a thing, but when a republican makes a bunch of hurtful, unsupported, made up allogations such as these, noone has a problem?!
That is rediculous! We have to be fair on here if we do not want political propoganda, it should be regardless of party affiliation.
I, by the way, I am not a registered Democrat or Republican.
I just can't help but respond to some of these comments, they are so off base they just remind me of why the world is the way it is. The fact is, many people believe the way Bob does and that is scary, no matter what party you say you are with. Let me see if I unerstand this correctly, please correct me if I am wrong...
Apparently, to be a Republican means:
1) You must believe that the right to own a 20-round burst spraying semi-automatic weapon has any place in the world, other than killing people efficiently, holding Russian schools hostage, robbing banks with no contest, etc. The fact is, even if you legitimately want to collect guns, you still are putting that many more guns out in the world that will eventually make their way into the wrong hands. Sooner or later, your house will get broken into and the gun will get stolen and 12 people will die, or you will sell your gun in a garage sale to a future killer. All this just so you can feel powerful with that awesome killing machine.
2) You must believe that it is ok to force your religous beliefs on others, because "shoot man, I reckon" as they might say, your religion is the only right one! Unfortunaltely, your, or any, religion IS NOT the only one and is no more right than any other. Relilgion is for everyone to do with it what they please and believe what they will. This is everyone's right. You want to fill your whole yard with a manger scene at Christmas, go right ahead, it's your yard, but please be respectfull of others' religions, or lack thereof.
3) You must believe that those "soccer Moms' SUVs have no effect on the depletion of the ozone and the lowering of the air quality. Get real! There is no where for the exhaust to go, so it is only going to build up. There were no cars not too long ago so obviously this is a big change for the planet to have toxic fumes building up, and something eventually has to give. When you throw trash away for the garbage truck to take away, it doesn't just dissapear magically, it buids up, and so does the exhaust from cars and cigarette smokers. It will not take long before everyone will have to wear gas masks all day long, can't wait! Puff away, gotta support big tabacco and the cancer treatment centers!
4) You have to believe that it is ok for the President's campaign to be funded by tobacco companies. These companies are the ones that produce a toxic, deadly preoduct and sell them to the citizens and are allowed to do it. The fact that a President can be influenced by such a source should be illegal at best. Tobacco companies ar in the business of profitting from the slow controlled death of millions of people at a huge profit! Nothing more!
5) You must believe that it is ok for the Presdent to be supported by the NRA only after the assault ban is lifted. Gee, are you still wondering why the ban was not extended? because it would have been a bad business decision to extend it, not because it is a good idea to extend it, not because the President thinks we should have the right to own the guns. Get real, the President could care less about assault weapons, he just wants to do wehatever necessary to get another vote! Don't kid yourself! The President's, or potential president's job while ruinning for office is to say anything necessary and take money from whoever necessary to get the votes to win the race, not about doing anything for the people, if you can't see that, you are blinded by the campaign lights.
Thanks for the fun Bob, I enjoyed it! please don't post your forceful political views on here unless you expect to get a response. The fact is the confederate flag has not been valid for a long time now, but somehow the old fashioned, racist, hipocritical views still live on.
Bob, can you do me a favor and tell me something good that the current Pres has done for our country? I don't mean some other country, I mean the one he is suppossed to serve and protect? Thanks, I have nont been able to figure that one out and I could use some help. It's hard to see through the crowds of unemployed, broke, or combat wounded people he has forgotten about. BTW, where are those WMDs????
Have you not all seen Farenheit 9-11 where the Pres says we "gotta get those terrorist killers"... now watch this drive! He is on a golf course making a campaign video for terrorist policy? That is crazy and I don't know how anyone could vote for him just after that single comment alone! It is clearly all a big joke to him, and It should not be.
How much do you want to bet that Bin Laden will be magically found a week before the elections? Don't be surprised, it's all a game to win the race.
Sorry for the non-chip related post, but it should not have been started by Bob to begin with.