Hey Julie, youre right about the trading. I was there last week and in a matter of a bit more then 1 hour, I set up 3 different great trades.
Chatting doesnt have to be much, it can just be a simple "hi hows it going, a little teasing and some mere civil niceities. I've popped in and out as I can, sometimes there's a few people there, sometimes just me. But still, i pop in and out.
As the room becomes better known, I have no doubt that more will also pop in.
The planned times will most definately be a shot in the arm. Perhaps I could suggest a few topic rooms to add. For those that want to talk politics...a BUSH-vs-KERRY room. Perhaps another for TRADES and one more just for chippers with beards. You could have one for Slot Cards and Silver Strikes. The reason I bring these up is that you can make some posts on the silver strike board, and to the card collectors, etc.
Who knows, it might just bring more and more people in.
Anyways, just some ramblings. I want to thank you and Ron for the great idea. I hope it keeps growning. I'll make sure I stop in often (hopefully that won't keep everyone else from coming)*rofl*