Why is it so hard to get a chat for chippers going? I know others have tried it and it and it is has fizzled out. This is a great way to talk live about chips, to help newcomers, or to make trades. Several have already set up trades.
I had my husband monitor the room over the weekend and some came in. There have been a few who keep coming back but we could use more to help get it going.
Thank you Cditty, MikeP, TomH, JimP, ButchR,DavidS,and NormB,and Pam for coming back more than once and helping to make it work. If I left out someone it's because I can't remember who you are if you came in with a "fun" name. I know people have a life and are busy. I work online so this is easy for me.
I have just made the room so it requires and easy registration so we can have more features. Those who have booked marked it may have to do it again from here.
Registration is simple there is no email address required. Choose a name and a password.
I will be enabling file sharing and transcript copying later when everyone gets used to the room.
I am logged in now but will be on away mode soon.
For those of you who have been there you will now be able to leave it on your taskbar and hear when somebody comes in. You may have to register your name with an underscore like this _ and set you settings again.
If anybody has suggestions I would appreciate the help. Some say we should pick a night and a time to go in for a question and answer session and another time for trading. If this doesn't work than I can say I hung in there and gave it my best shot! I don't give up easy so expect more nagging before I give up.