If you have my old address, lose it. I moved two weeks ago. Phone numbers stayed the same email stayed the same. If inquiring minds want to know, just drop me an email. Don't delete the whole thing, if you are going to update, only the street and address changed. zip is even the same.
After I moved, SBC managed to cancel my phone order, so I had no phones for a week. Then I ordered DSL and dropped one phone line, so I'm waiting for my Internet Connection. (I'm dialing out on my fax line or from someone elses house) Rumor has it, that DSL is coming on the 16th.
Hundreds of boxes and bags later, 34 years at the same office location. I can't find anything! The chips that were neatly stacked and aligned are now all slid together in heaps.
This will force me to "get organized" and that of course means a big chip sale as I find things I forgot I had.