Thank you to those of you who made it in the chat room. I won't name names because I might leave someone out. I was honored that you came in.
There is a need for this and as soon as word gets out we will get more in. This is a good place to go for instant information for people new to collecting. It has been used for trades a few times now. If 2 people want to work out a trade they can go private so the rest of the chat does not disturb them. A few have worked out trades in the chat room.
The one thing I don't want is a battle to break out in there. Comments about others should be positive or you risk getting kicked out or banned.
This is not going to be a yahoo "anything goes" chat room. There will eventually be 10 people who will be able to control it and have the capability of kicking someone out.
I have lots of bugs in the chat that need worked out so those who can't get in email me and I will have someone help you.
This can work if we hang in there. I will be emailing some who have bought from me on ebay in the next few weeks and hope to bring more new people in.
Thanks and keep coming back. Soon we will have monitors so the room is not empty if someone comes in that is new.
Thank you Greg for this board. This is my favorite site and the first place I look everyday now!