>> Do you really think they prefer the way things are now rather than when
>> al-Qaeda ran terrorist camps in the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.
... they aren't still running terrorist camps in Afghanistan? Or Iran? Or Iraq? Or, for that matter, Saudi Arabia? Or any one of a dozen or more other countries.
Remember, the terrorists who carried out 9-11 trained, for the most part, in the United States. The whole point of these kinds of terrorist activities (which are really nothing more than rather sophisticated and large scale guerrilla warfare) is to be highly mobile and fluid, not tied down to any particular geographical base, and capable of moving about and striking in secrecy.
>> I'll admit that I don't recall any al-Qaeda interviews. However,
>> it has been mentioned quite often that al-Qaeda is looking to hit us
>> before the election. I have not heard any liberals argue this.
You make part of my point there, Rich. It's us doing all the talking, not the terrorists. As for who among us is suggesting that there will be an attack before the election, yes, it has been mostly Bush supporters. It is, IMO, a scare tactic. Liberals (or democrats, if you will) for the most part don't suggest it for a variety of reasons. Small one -- they have nothing to gain by instilling false fear in the American people. Big one ...
>> For what possible reason would al-Queada want to hit us before
>> the election if not to affect the outcome?
... because the suggestion that the terrorists want Kerry to win and the suggestion that terrorists will strike before the election to effect the outcome are politically inconsistent and inherently self-contradictory.
Political observers are, for the most part, in agreement that a major terrorist attack prior to the election will help Bush, not Kerry (a view, BTW, with which I am in agreement). You can be sure the terrorists are aware of this. So, if they really want Kerry to win, why would they make a major attack before the election, thereby helping Bush???
So, you see, Rich, the twin arguments of the right make no sense when viewed objectively. Either the terrorists want Kerry to win and will not attack before the election, because that would help Bush. Or, the terrorists want Bush to win and will attack because to do so will help him. Or (and I think this is much more likely the case), they don't care who wins our election and will either attack or not prior to the election depending on whether they think there is an opportunity to score a major terrorist success. If they do, they will. If they don't, they won't. Regardless of any possible effect on our election.
Frankly, I don't think the rest of the world (including the terrorists) gives much of a damn one way or the other about who wins our political elections. ----- jim o\-S