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The Chip Board Archive 11

new release New Washington Chips! for sale

Wow! Cadillac Ranch finally got new chips! Remember they had the Bud Jones Dodge City Saloon chips for so long. Remodeled about a year ago but no chips to go with it.

So here's the deal on these rather nice Chipcos. I have five sets of a $1 and a $5 chip for $6 delivered. I also have one $25 chip for $25 delivered. No $1 chip sales at this time! sad PayPal or check and email me for purchase. grin


These chips are from the table! That means that they are NOT uncirculated but rather "two or three" weeks old (what the 21 dealer told me). Please patronize the NIS for this area if'n you want the best chips. These are pretty good and I returned some that I wouldn't want. BTW, they don't sell chips from the cage in WA.

These are for sale at face because I scored #000 bubble mailers @1¢ ea. at a yard sale and the postage pays for the fun I have in the hobby. Paul... yours are in transit!

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new release New Washington Chips! for sale
ALL SOLD! Thanks Chippers! grin
Re: New Washington Chips!
Now that is what a real chipper is all about!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg