and Jerry concurred with me. Allan Myers is not yet convinced but will be when Ive finished my article on it . These two chips are from 1996. FG means full graphic - the printing extends onto the rim of the chip. The 2000 issues are not FG and the wording is printed on the insert. Ignore TCR for a moment while Jerry and I persuade Allan to correct it. This is a brief summary.
1995 HR opened with 2 tables. Chips used were Gold flame on black but numbered '1' and '2'
1996 A 3rd table opened. The 1995 chips were removed and replaced with the two design you show in your picture + black flames on silver background. This last one has the writing in silver not black
1999 HR expands and adds 2 tables. The 3 sets of chips from 1996 continue in play. 2 new sets added yellow/orange flames on blue background and purple flames on blue background
2000 All chips changed to WG (wide graphic) - printing on inlay. Colors of flames/inlays remain the same as 1999
2004 All chips changed to hot stamps