We have discussed virtually every aspect of John Kerry's military record.
We have discussed Bush's National Guard record.
We haven't really discussed Kerry's senatorial record. Come to think of it neither has he hmmmmm. It seems that virtually every sentence is prefaced by.. " When I was in Viet Nam"
I would love to hear " When I was in the Senate" but that's another story.
Yes, George Bush got us into Iraq. The question to be asked is, do you really believe that John Kerry will get us out. My opinion is NO.
On the same token if we limited the conversation to the topic of terrorism and left out the war records, Viet Nam, Medicare and Social security, Job growth, the economy etc. I would ask who would you think is best fit to defend this country against terrorism? Who do you believe the terrorists would rather have in power? Who would you feel safer with sleeping at night [ No I don't mean physically ] ?
Why does the communist party support Kerry www.cpusa.com are they also afraid of Bush.
A few short months the answer will be known to all of America. It seems to me that the tide is getting stronger against Kerry.
I personally wish him [Kerry] no ill will but like the rest of you, I too am an AMERICAN and I think George W is the man for the job.