"wire every school for the internet" tax (check your phone bill),
Your boy George proposed that one.
"Unless you are a 7-9 month fetus"
Yup If yopur preborn you are Protected if you are unfortunate enough to be born you are ???ked. especially if you are of use to the military.
housing 25%
food 25%
taxes federal, state, sin 50%
Tithing (religion of your choice) 10%
I suppose if I get a cold or break a leg I will just put it on one of the 20 charge card offers I get every year and then declare chapter 7 bankrupcy.
"but I certainly agree with the statement that the Democrats have never met a tax they didn't like, especially if they can hide it."
it takes both party's to make a majority and a hidden tax is better than no tax if you are a politician. Who's party was in power when our deficit went haywire. Reagan and GHWB never even submitted a balanced budget for consideration by Congress.
But it is nice of you to allow for tithing to the church of my choice. Just as long as I keep it to myself and don't offend anyone"
You can spend that -10% any way you wish.